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Sales Workflow - Configuring Actions

A disposition that controls and automates what happens to a lead across your sales process.

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

An Action (also sometimes called a disposition) is a function that controls and automates what happens to a lead. This could be moving a lead between workflows and statuses, scheduling a callback, denoting contact made or marking a lead DNC.

 Adding an Action to a Status

  • Within the Edit Workflow page, select Add Action. 

  • Select from a preset of Categories or enter a new Action Name. Then select Save Action

  • The page will refresh and the new action will appear at the top of the screen. Select the Gear icon to configure. 

Adding an Action

Configurable Action Operations 

  • Change Status or Workflow: Move a lead to a status within the same workflow, or a status in a new workflow within the same Record Type. 

  • Contact Attempted + Made: This Action Operation is used to denote that a Contact Attempt was made on a lead. This directly factors Response Time calculations when considering speed to contact on new leads within ClickPoint. If this operation is disabled, the lead will not be marked as a contact being attempted.

  • Add Appointment: Create an appointment for either yourself or another user.

  • Send Email Template: Send an already configured email template to a lead. 

  • Set Email Nurture Strategy: Add an already configured nurture strategy to a lead.

  • Transfer Lead: Transfer a lead to another User, Branch or Corporate level. Disable all transfer options to force an assignment to the user interacting with the lead. Use Distribute After Transfer to send a lead through a Push Distribution if it qualifies. 

  • Return Lead: Remove a lead from the Lead Manager Screen. This is used for flagging bad leads.

  • Release Pull: Primarily used in conjunction with Pull Distributions. This signifies the minimum amount of time that must elapse before a lead can be pulled within a distribution strategy. Use Decrement Pull Count on Release if you need to reduce the number of pull attempts one value.

  • Add Do Not Contact List: Flag a lead 'Do Not Contact'. 

  • Mark Favorite Lead: Flag a lead as Favorite which adds a star to it on the Lead Manager Screen. This is used to make a tagged lead easier to find. 

  • Remove From Nurture: Remove any applied Nurture Strategy

  • Close Lead: Signifies that a deal is won and a sale closed. Use this to give credit to a user. This operation is used heavily in Performance Reports. 

  • Web Request: Ability to conduct an HTTP Post to an endpoint. Mostly used when posting a lead from one ClickPoint record type or account to another. 

  • Send SMS Template: Send a crafted Text SMS template to your lead following an action disposition.

  • Add Note: Ability to add a note or add a pre-filled note to a lead.

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