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State Calling Hours

Calling Hours broken down by U.S. State.

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

Important Note: State-specific Do-Not-Call legislation is continually changing. ClickPoint Software strongly recommends consulting with your legal department regarding rules and regulations related to telemarketing calls for each state. The information outlined below does not constitute legal advice.

Federal law allows businesses to make telemarketing calls between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM to the lead's location. However, the state level can make calling hours more restrictive than federal rules. The table below outlines those states that are more restrictive than the federal level.

Calling Time and Day Restrictions

Additional Details

  • Florida: According to Florida law SB 1120, it is prohibited to call a lead more than 3 times in a 24 hour period.

Legal Holidays by State

Several states have additional Do Not Call restrictions depending on the legal holiday. They are outlined in the following table.

Additional Details

  • Alabama: If any holiday falls on Sunday, the following day (Monday) is the holiday. If any holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding day (Friday) is the holiday. Ala. Code § 1-3-8(a).

  • Louisiana: This chart only includes DNC holidays identified by the Louisiana Public Service Commission. According to the PSC, there are no calling restrictions on other legal holidays (identified in La. Stat. § 1:55). The Governor may declare other holidays.

  • Mississippi: In the event any holiday falls on a Sunday, then the next following day shall be a legal holiday. Miss. Stat. § 3-3-7.

  • Nebraska: Does not prohibit calls on Sundays or legal holidays; however, it does restrict the use of prerecorded messages to 1pm to 9om on these days (subject to certain exceptions). Neb. Admin. Code Title 291 Ch. 11 § 3.

  • Rhode Island: If New Years Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day or Christmas fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the Monday thereafter shall be a legal holiday. R.I. Stat. § 25-1-1.

  • Utah: If any holiday falls on Sunday, the following day (Monday) is the holiday. If any holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding day (Friday) is the holiday. Utah Code § 63G-1-301.

  • Pennsylvania: The following holidays are those indicated by the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office as “legal holidays.” The Governor may declare other holidays, If any Independence Day, Christmas Day, or New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday, then the next following day shall be a legal holiday. 7 P.S. 113.

States of Emergency

For the states of Louisiana and New York, it is prohibited to call into areas under a state of emergency.

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