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Advanced User Role and Permission Configuration

With permissions you can limit what a user views on the toolbar such as contacts, products, reports, Pull feature or lead fields

Chris Arenas avatar
Written by Chris Arenas
Updated over a week ago

User Roles

When configuring your ClickPoint account, think about the type of users you have and the role they fill within your organization. Typically, those roles might be sales/ customer service, sales managers, or administrators. Each role may have different access levels regarding lead view, different permissions related to lead field updates or access to various features.

Accessing a User Role

  • Navigate to More > Settings > Create Roles and Permissions.

Editing a User Role

  • Choose the Role you wish to edit and click the Edit button (pencil icon).

Setting Permissions for a Role

The first group of permissions applies to the functionality available for the users associated with the role. In general, they can be categorized by features for an administrator, a manager, and a user. 

User Role Permissions

Administration Management

  • Manage Accounts – Manage Users within ClickPoint

  • Manage Roles – Ability to manage roles for all users

  • Assign Subordinate Roles – Update user roles within your branch

  • Edit Report Layout - Restrict a user from editing the layout of reports to include those reports visible by User Role.

Lead Fields and Sources

User Management

  • Enable My Leads – Access to My Leads function on the toolbar

  • Enable Add New Leads – Ability to add a new lead to ClickPoint manually

  • Transfer Records – Restrict the ability to transfer a lead from the toolbar

  • Enable Lead Import – Ability to import bulk leads

  • Manual Close Lead – Restrict the ability to close a lead manually from the Lead Manager Screen

  • Enable 'Contacts' Feature – Access to add, update or remove Contacts from an account

  • Enable 'Products' Feature – Access to the Products feature in the toolbar

  • Enable 'Pull' Feature – Access to the Pull feature in the toolbar

  • Allow Pull Queue Selection - Allow a user to choose which pull distribution strategy they wish to get new leads from

  • Enable 'Reports' Feature – Ability to review reports

  • Manage 'My Account' - Allow a user to access and make changes to their Account

  • Enable 'Set As Home' – Ability to update a screen as a home page

  • Enable 'Go To Home' – Remove the Home feature from the toolbar

  • Enable Welcome Screen – Remove the Welcome Screen for new accounts

  • Enable Calendar – Ability to access the main Calendar from the toolbar

  • Enable Help – Ability to access Help from the toolbar

  • View Peer Reporting Data – Allows a user to view reporting information related to other users within the same branch on Dashboard Reports

  • Allow 'Return Lead' - Allows a user the ability to return a lead from the Lead Manager screen.

  • Allow Nurture - Allows a user to use the Nurture function on the Lead Manager Screen

  • View Rejected Duplicates - Allows a user to navigate and review leads that were flagged as a duplicate

  • Enable 'Export' from My Leads - Allow a user to export leads from the Lead Manager Screen

Workflow and Distribution

  • Manage Workflow – Ability to update and manage your workflow and sales milestones

  • Manage Lead Distribution – Ability to create and manage Pull and Push Distribution strategies

  • Change Pull Distribution Assignments – Ability to update distribution priority


Features and Settings

  • Manage Do Not Contact – Ability to manage entries on the ‘Do Not Contact’ list

  • Manage Integrations – Manage account-wide integration features

  • Manage Products – Administer and manage products for an account

  • Edit Product Sale Price – Manage sales price within the Product feature

  • Manage Fees and Commissions – Manage fees and commissions as they relate to Products

  • Manage Settings – Access to More > Settings

  • Manage System Settings – Ability to set account-wide settings

  • Manage Scoreboards – Ability to access, manage and build Scoreboard Reports

  • Manage Portals – Manage the ‘Do Not Contact’ portal

  • Enable All Leads - Allows user access to the All Leads button within the Lead Manager Screen

  • Quick Search Invalid or Returned Leads - Allows a user to specify if they want to search for Valid, Invalid, Returned, or All Leads.

  • Manage General Email Sync Accounts - Allows a user to sync Microsoft 365 and Google Workspaces to Corporate and Branch Accounts.

  • Validate Leads - Allow a user to make an invalid or returned lead as an active lead.


  • RingResponse: User Groups - Allows a user to create, change, or delete User Groups which are used to route calls to within a Queue

  • RingResponse: Phone Numbers - Purchase, delete, or configure RingResponse phone numbers

  • RingResponse: Call Flows - Create, delete, or update inbound call routing rules

  • RingResponse: SMS Templates - Ability to create, update, or edit SMS templates

  • RingResponse: Allow Access to Call Recordings from Lead Details - Prevents a user from listening to a lead's call recordings on the Lead Details Screen.

  • RingResponse: External Numbers - Configure external phone numbers for the purpose of warm transfers.

  • RingResponse: Pause Recordings - Allow users to pause call recordings while on a call.

  • RingResponse: Feature Settings - Restricts access to enable or disable RingResponse features.

Licenses and Billing

  • Manage Billing – Manage your billing within ClickPoint

Setting Field Permissions for a Role

Depending on the type of user, you may decide to restrict certain lead fields to Read Only, Deny, or Allow. Towards the bottom of the screen, you can set the field permissions for each record type for the user role. 

  • Read Only allows a field to be visible but restricts updating

  • Deny removes the field from view for a particular role

  • Allow allows for full view and update

Field Permissions for a User Role

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