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Making an Outbound Call

Pull, Power Dial or Click to Dial a lead using local presence to increase your contact rate

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

Using RingResponse, a user can utilize a number of different calling methods like Click-to-Dial, Power Dialing, or Pull to reach a lead.

Making an Outbound Call in the Browser

  • If your team is using our WebRTC update, you are no longer required to have a phone number configured within My Account.

  • When you initiate an outbound call, you will see a popup that is used to initiate the call to the lead directly. You may be prompted to allow us to use your microphone. Please make sure you select Allow.

  • Note: If you close this window during a call, the call will be dropped. Also, if you close this window after your call is completed, whenever you initiate another outbound call, we will pop this window for you. You are free to leave it minimized.

    WebClient Popup

Making an Outbound Call

  • After selecting a lead, the Call Lead button displays. 

  • First, RingResponse will dial your phone line configured in My Account (unless you are making calls through the browser as outlined above). 

  • On answer, RingResponse will bridge your office line, then conduct an outbound dial using either a local number or designated default number.

RingResponse - Making an outbound call

Outbound Dialing

Using Local Presence

  • Toggle the Location icon which allows you to enable or disable local presence. Unless directed by your manager, leave this feature enabled. When Local Presence is disabled, your calls are made using a default phone number configured within the account.

  • When you conduct an outbound dial, ClickPoint will use a purchased phone number and match to the area code or state of your lead.

RingResponse - Using Local Presence

Example - Local Presence Disabled

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