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Getting Started

Videos for Getting Started

ClickPoint with RingResponse - Demo VideoThe sales communication platform that helps your salespeople make 300+ calls a day, with text sms, and email to reach more customers.
Setting up RingResponseVideo tutorial on the benefits and configuration of RingResponse
What is Call Tracking?Understand how to generate more quality leads with call routing and learn why it is a critical part of your sales funnel.
Configuring Lead Fields and Sales ViewWith ClickPoint you have the flexibility to configure your lead fields and use them to create a unique salesperson view of each prospect
Navigating your Lead Manager ScreenComplete control over the view of your lead managers screen, the salespersons view, the sales scripts, and the sales workflow process.
Configure Your Lead Manager ScreenThis video tutorial will show you how you can customize the Lead Manager Screen, making it your own.
Setting up your Marketing Channels and Lead SourcesWatch a video tutorial on the flexibility of ClickPoint marketing attribution, using Marketing Channel, Lead Source, and Campaign
Setting up Dynamic Sales ScriptsOne tool to help cut down on training is to provide your new salespeople with sales scripts.
Setting up Dashboard ReportsDashboards give you a real-time sales information summary so you can quickly spot areas of improvement or opportunity.
Setting Up Scoreboard ReportsScoreboards are designed to showcase your sales team success, by highlighting wins in real-time throughout the day, week, and month.
Converting More Leads with Pull DistributionTo make sure your prospects and leads are contacted quickly we encourage you to utilize pull lead routing.
Setting up RingResponse for Outbound DialingOutbound dialing with click-to-dial, power dial, prioritized lead dialing, local presence and prerecorded voice mail drops