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Manually Transferring Leads to Users

Use the transfer lead feature to move leads between users, and branch locations, with ease.

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

Transferring Leads can be key when managing Leads from the My Leads page, or Lead Manager Screen (LMS). At times, depending on business needs, Users may find they need to Transfer a lead to another User; or as an Administrator you may want to manage these Transfers manually. Below is an easy, step by step process for Transferring Leads.

Note: Users, who are do not have Administrator permissions may require this Permissions for this Transfer Feature. To learn Enable this Permission - Go To - Roles and Permission in Settings. You can also view an article about Roles and Permissions here.

Transferring a Lead

  • Transfer Leads – Assign or Transfer a lead to another user/agent. With a lead highlighted, either by marking the check-mark box or clicking in the lead line, click Transfer.

Go to My Leads screen

Once a lead is selected, the Transfer button is available

Transfer Slide out

  • Leave Assign to Me selected if you wish to transfer the selected leads to yourself.

  • You can use the Search field to manually type in your desired recipient.

  • Select the All dropdown to narrow down the list by Users, Branches, or Corporate.

  • If the lead has scheduled appointments click toggle button, the default is No, once clicked this will display as Yes to allow the transfer of appointments, this will transfer all appointments scheduled for this lead along with all lead data.

  • If multiple leads are selected, the Transfer button will display the number of selected leads.

  • The Enable Transfer Leads permission must be enabled to allow for transfer from the Lead Manager screen.

Transfer from Lead Details

A lead can also be transferred from the Lead Details screen. Information on the Lead Details screen can be found from the following article.

  • The Transfer button is located towards the top right of the Lead Details screen.

  • The Enable Transfer Leads permission must be enabled to allow for transfer from the Lead Details screen.

Lead Details Transfer Button

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