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Marketing Source Summary

Monitor the performance of your lead sources, set goals and track milestones over time

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

A summary view of all Lead Sources with accepted Leads and Lead Performance.

Image 1.1 Lead Source Performance Summary

All headers or titles on the grid i.e. Lead Source, Leads Received and Leads Rejected, there is an arrow if selected will alphabetize the lead sources.

Filters [1]

Image 1.2 Filter Settings

Date Options:

Choose any one of the date options to give better detail on the report: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, Last 1 Year and Custom. 

Time Zone:

Select a Time Zone, this changes the way “start/end” date is calculated on the report.

Example: Dates range of 1/1 through 1/3, and it’s the date of 1/1 midnight at the selected time zone and the date of 1/3 midnight at the same selected time zone, this would give you an accurate date range of 72 hours.


  • Active – includes all Active Users and Not any Inactive Users

  • Inactive – includes all Inactive Users and Not any Active Users

Or choose Team, Branch, Group and so on; any and all Users you’d like to separate.

Record Type – Select a Record Type to Filter the data from, you can only choose one Record Type at a time. 

Lead Source – Ability to Select All – click Select All or click on the Lead Sources individually, as you may not always need to Filter on All Lead Sources.

Image 1.3 Status Changes

Status Changes – Select the Status Changes you’d like to Filter for Lead Sources. Status Changes are the updates or changes made to a Lead while a User is working the Lead. 

Example – this is broken down by Category, i.e. New Lead, Attempted Contact, Contacted Dead and within that category the many Statuses a Lead can change to; i.e. Attempted Contact, Attempted Contact 1, Contacted - these are Actions with the Status or Category of Attempted Contact. Another example: within the Category of Dead there are Statuses such as Not Interested, Do Not Contact and Nurture.

To select the Status, click on the name of the Status (not the Category)

Note: Category displays in gray and Status displays in orange

There are many Filters to create dividing areas of the lead source.

Image 1.4 Filter Options

Show Rejected – This will display in number value; the amount of leads received by a lead source in which those leads were rejected due to duplicate leads, improperly formatted leads, or leads that did not match your criteria. Formula: # of Received Leads vs. # of Accepted Leads = # of Rejected Leads

Show Cost – This will display in dollar value; the amount of accepted leads in value of cost from the lead source.

Show Returned – This will display in number value; the amount of leads accepted by a lead source and were returned due to leads with missing information, incorrect information, or duplicate leads. 

Show Returned Credit – This will display in dollar value; the amount of leads accepted by a lead source in which those leads were Returned due to missing information, incorrect information, or duplicate leads. Formula: $ of Accepted Leads vs. $ of Returned Leads = $ of Returned Leads.

Show Net Cost – This will display a dollar value; the amount of leads that were Accepted, minus (Returned) Lead Credits; which gives the value of Returned Credit. Formula: $ of Accepted Leads vs. $ Returned Credit = $ Net Cost

Show Status Changes – This will display a number value; the amount of leads that changed Status by marking Actions and moving the lead through the sales Workflow. Example: Leads that change or move from one Status to another, Status changes are made by taking Actions – which move a lead through the Sales Workflow process.

Show Actions Changes – This will display a number value; the amount of leads that were marked with an Action. Example: Leads that are marked with an Action, such as Attempted Contact or Contacted

Show Contacted – This will display a number value; the amount of leads that are marked as Contacted via an Action. Example: These are Leads with an Operation of ‘Mark Lead as Called/Emailed’ on an Action within the Workflow.

Show Appointments Created – This will display a number value; the amount of Appointments created on a Lead by an Operation within an Action that is taken on the Lead or by adding an Appointment to the Lead via the Calendar on the Lead Details Screen. This does not include Appointments made directly to the Calendar.

Show Closed Leads – This will display a number value; the amount of leads marked as Closed, which equals Sold, i.e. leads that have been “WON”.

Manage Goals [2]

Image 1.5 Manage Goals

Ability to set the Goals you require Users to perform in accordance with your business needs and practices. All Metrics are in percent value.

Select Metric – Choose which status the leads are in

  • Accepted – leads that were accepted from the leads source

  • Appointments Created – leads that have appointments created/added to the lead

  • Closed – leads that are marked as closed (sold) from the lead source

  • Contacted – leads that were contacted from the lead source

  • Rejected – leads rejected and not accepted from the lead source

  • Returned – leads returned via marking Return on the My Leads/LMS page

Goal Metrics:

There are three distinct levels of Performance Metrics: Poor, Good and Great.
Poor will begin at zero percent, hence why all metrics begin at zero. For the Metric of Poor, use the arrows, to move up or down the percentage to set the range of what is considered Poor.

For example: Poor begins at 0%, use the arrows to increase the ending range from what is considered Poor and move this number up to 30%. The Metric for Poor is now set with a range of 0% to 30%, if a lead source falls into this metric, you will clearly see the lead is doing poorly.

Next, notice the performance metric Good. Now that you have added the metric range for Poor with an ending range of 30%, the metric Good will begin with an opening range of 30%. Within the metric of Good, you will not edit the percentage range, as the metrics of Poor and Great are what sets the percentage range for Good.

The final metric to set is the range for Great, notice the ending range is already set at 100%, as this is the highest the percentage can be set and is not adjustable. However, the beginning percent is the range you are able to set, by using the arrows to adjust the ending range for Good and beginning range for Great. The metric ranges for Good and Great will adjust simultaneously, once you set the beginning percent range for the metric of Great.

Click the toggle for a Yes or No choice when deciding to use the ‘Display this goal’, this will allow the display on the grid of the Report.

When viewing the Report there are three titled categories that display above all other Filters added; Lead Source – naming the Lead Source, Measure – the toggle Filters you select within the Filter Settings, and Date – this is the date range you have selected for the report

Note: Grid is in reference to the outline or delineated Measure on the Report.

Goal Direction – Goals are an important part of this report as you can set Goals to highlight performance of specific categories. There are two choices, 'Higher is Better' or 'Lower is Better'.

Example: A reason to Filter with 'Higher is Better' would be for Accepted or Closed Leads. A reason to Filter with 'Lower is Better' would be for Rejected or Returned Leads

Click Save All Goals once complete with Manage Goals

Tip: Accepted leads are equal to the accepted percentage of leads, minus the rejected leads. It’s possible to have a lower Accepted percentage, if a lead source is sending duplicate or improperly formatted leads.Note: Refresh [3] the applied Filters on the Report to give an update if any data has changed since the Report last cycled.

Lastly, Click Export [4] – this will provide the data that is viewed on the report via an Excel file; this data will display in the same format when viewing the grid on the Report.

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