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RingResponse - Usage Report

Provides a snapshot of minutes consumed during the specified time frame

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

The RingResponse Usage Reports provides administrators a breakdown of minutes used across two primary formats, over the specified date range: daily or by phone number.

Filter Options


  • View consumption over the specified date range.

Time Zone

  • Specify the timezone used to calculate the consumption. Typically, you will choose the timezone where you are located.

Call Direction

  • Inbound: View all consumption as a result of an inbound call.

  • Outbound: View all consumption as a result of an outbound call.

  • Both: View all consumption where both inbound and outbound is combined.

View By

  • Date: Provides a daily breakdown of consumption across the specified date range.

  • Phone: View total consumption, via each phone number, across the specified date range.

Column Breakdown


  • Consumption displayed in a daily format providing the filter option View By is set to Day.

Phone Number 

  • Consumption is displayed to the associated phone number providing the filter option View By is set to Phone Number.

Connected Minutes

  • Total number of minutes a lead spent connected with a sales person.

On Hold Minutes

  • Total number of minutes a lead spent waiting to connect with a sales person.

Billable Minutes

  • The total number of minutes that are billable.

Connection Attempts

  • The total number of connection attempts as a result of the Ring Through feature configured within your call flow.


  • The total billable amount. A further breakdown of consumption can be found by visiting the Billing Overview page within ClickPoint.

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