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Navigate - Lead Details

This is a screen salespeople will spend most of their time on, you can learn about which parts can be edited or configured

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

The Lead Details Screen is the page that loads after opening a lead for view; it is also referenced as the LDS.

Lead Details Screen

The LDS contains the leads information and has essential tools for working your Leads. In this article you will learn about the high level tools that are most commonly used in LDS.

Maps ( 1 ) – the leads address will be located via Map data for location

Email ( 2 ) – compose an email or select email templates to send to the Lead

Actions ( 3 )  – mark a Lead with an Action to disposition the Lead

Social Media badges ( 4 )  – displays social media badges of data derived from the Leads email address; this is an Integration available for Admin users by setting up Full Contact. 

Additional Information ( 5 ) :

Additional Information

  • Appointments – this is a view or snippet of what is on your main calendar. You will see other appointments from your calendar that are unrelated to the Lead, this is to prevent scheduling over existing appointments. Within this snippet you can add appointments, edit existing appointments related to the Lead being viewed, change the calendar view to Agenda (Week is the default), as well as a Show Full Day option.

  • History – the entire history of the Lead is located here. Anything that happens with the Lead is updated from beginning to end.

  • Products – add a Product from a Product library to your Lead

  • Pipeline – edit an existing sales Pipeline for the Lead

  • Notes – create a Note for the Lead or open and view existing Notes previously added to the Lead

  • Email Statistics – displays the delivery, open rate and bounce rate for the emails sent to the Lead

  • Email History – displays all emails sent to the Lead, with ability to open and view the emails

  • Documents – a library for uploading Documents associated to the Lead

  • Contacts – add a Contact to the Lead or turn the Lead into a Contact (learn more about Contacts)

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