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Navigate - "Pull" Screen

The Pull screen uses guided selling to keep your users and salespeople on the phone making outbound dials

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

As a User, you will Pull leads from the Pull Page. This allows you to quickly get new leads to give you more at bats with your leads so you can close more deals. 

You can call a Lead, mark the Lead with an Action (disposition), add an Appointment, send an Email and even mark with Notes.

The Pull Screen

With Pull Distribution you are Pulling Leads in milliseconds and working the Leads efficiently and quickly!

Note: To view how Pull Distribution is created click here

Left Panel - Pull

  • First, select Pull Record

Pull Record

  • If you have more than one Queue of leads, you’ll see you have Queues to select from. If need be, select all Queues you are required to Pull from.

  • When a Lead is Pulled, the Lead information and details will load on the page for you. 

  • Here you’ll find all Lead information, same as you would on My Leads (or the LMS).

  • To get your next lead, select an Action at the end of your call. 

Pull Page

  • Actions – this is what Dispositions the Lead

  • Auto-Pull can be turned On or Off, if ON, once a call ends with one lead, another lead will Automatically Pull for you.

  • Notes: take Notes you may need on the Lead

  • Compose – compose a free-hand email to the Lead

  • Template - send a preset Email Template to the Lead

User (Agent) Stats

  • These are visible for noting where you are with your Leads on Appointments, Calls and Sales

Agent Stats

Note: There is also a Log Out button. You can log out from ClickPoint on this page.

Note: If you have Scripts built in ClickPoint, these will appear on the Pull page as well. Click Here to view a How to Article on Scripts


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