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Daily Call Performance Report

Comprehensive sales team production report providing the ability spot areas that need more staffing to respond to leads faster.

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

Report calculates the total number of salespeople daily leads pulled, including first and last pull of the day.  This report also highlights the number of hours leads are being worked. Reports the total number of calls, leads received, and left overs (leads that have not been contacted within the day).  Reports agent average response times, leads closed per day, closed percent, and the total hours dedicated to pulls. 

Why is this important?  

This is a summary report that includes all salespeople.  If you are using pull this is very useful to get a snapshot of the entire team performance and where there might be gaps or areas of improvement.  

Column Definitions

  • Date: Day, Month, and Year based on the applied filter.

  • Agents: The number of users that Pulled a lead by Date.

  • Hours: The total number of hours Agents were pulling leads by Date. For example, if Agent 1 called a lead at 8:00 AM, and their last Call of the day was at 10:00 AM, the report will attribute 2 hours for Agent 1 and then include those 2 hours as part of the grand total for the day across all Agents.

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