A common question asked is how to determine the order in which leads are pulled by your sales teams. ClickPoint Pull Distribution allows an administrator to dictate silos of leads which are worked, in order, by sales teams. This article will overview configuring Pull Priorities to help maximize your speed to lead goals.
Pull Distribution Priorities
Navigate to More > Settings > Lead Distribution located under the header Setup Lead Routing. Edit a distribution strategy and from here, you will find Pull Priorities. As an administrator, you have the ability to adjust the order in which leads are pulled, based on the number of times they have already been pulled and also by the date they were added.
Adjusting Priorities
By Default, when a new distribution is created, the order is set FIFO (first in, first out) order. For a vast majority of your leads, this will be the method in which you work your leads. However, you can create multiple distribution strategies that target very specific leads based on when they were worked and when they were added. Below is all the possible combinations so that you can make a decision that best fits your business needs.
Priority Combination Options
Pull Count: Lowest First
Date Added: Newest First
Note: This is the default order when creating a new distribution strategy and this is likely the best option to use for most business situations.
Pull Count: Newest First
Date Added: Lowest First
Pull Count: Newest First
Date Added: Newest First
Date Added: Lowest First
Pull Count: Lowest First
Date Added: Lowest First
Pull Count: Newest First
Date Added: Newest First
Pull Count: Newest First