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RingResponse SMS Statistics

See key insight into the effectiveness of your SMS templates including the number of successful sends, deliverability, and response rates.

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

This report gives both marketing and sales managers critical insight into the effectiveness of your SMS templates, including the number of successful sends, deliverability, and response rates.


This report is located under the Lead Nurture Reports section within Reports.

Filter Options

  • Lead Transferred to User Date: Date the SMS activity took place. For example, if you choose This Week, this report will display all activities that took place from Sunday to Saturday.

  • Time Zone: Shows activity based on your set timezone.

  • Record Type: Show activity based on Record Type.

  • View: View between Template, or Nurture Strategy view.

Template View

The Template view shows all templates, to include manual texts and opt-in templates, sent to a lead.

  • Sent: Outlines the total number of templates sent.

  • Successful: Outlines the total number of templates sent to a lead successfully.

  • Unsuccessful: Outlines the total number of templates sent to a lead that failed. Failure can result from a bad phone number or a landline phone number.

Nurture Strategy View

The Nurture Strategy view shows all nurture strategies in which SMS text templates are used.

  • Leads Added: Shows the number of individual leads added to the nurture strategy.

  • Sent: Outlines the total number of templates sent.

  • Successful: Outlines the total number of templates sent to a lead successfully.

  • Unsuccessful: Outlines the total number of templates sent to a lead that failed. Failure can result from a bad phone number or a landline phone number.

  • Opted In: The total number of leads who opted-in to receive SMS Text messages.

  • Opted Out: The total number of leads who opted-out from receiving SMS Text messages.

  • Lead Reply: The total number of replies sent from a lead.

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