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How To Create Email Templates

Email templates for your prospects sent in bulk, via email nurture, or one off, with tags and notifications for opens or response.

Sam Sanchez avatar
Written by Sam Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

An Email Template is a pre-composed email message which can be automated to send to Leads.

Creating an Email Template

  • Click the down arrow below the signed in name (1).

  • A drop-down menu will display 

  • Select Settings (2).

  • Within the header Nurture Your Leads – Step 1: Create Email Templates, click this step 

  • Click Add New Template 

  • Name and give the Template a Subject 

  • Owner – If all Users should have access to the Templates place owner as Corporate. Select a Branch if only users within that Branch can use this template. Or to keep private, you can make ownership as yourself; the individual creating the Template. 

  • Fill in the body of the Email with text and ensure to use the Variables or Lead Field and System Fields as place holders for those unique pieces of information extracted from the Lead. 

  • The purpose of Variables are to personalize the Email Templates being sent to individual Leads. Variables are used to inject things like the leads name (driven from your System Fields). 

  • Click Save Template

Note: Preview Template is also available for viewing before saving.

Accessing Settings

Create Email Template

Email Template Easy Editor

Lead Fields and System Fields

Body of Email using Lead and System Fields

Received Email - Sent from Lead using Template

Additional Options for creating a more robust Email Template

Add an Attachment:

  • In the body of the Email Template there is an icon for adding an Attachment. This is an easy way to quickly upload an Attachment to the Email Template. You will save time using this feature for adding documents and files that may be required to send to your Leads.

  • Click the Attach Icon (paperclip icon) and select your attachment. 

  • Note: You can add more than one Attachment.

Add Images:

  • Select the Insert Image button; Click Upload (3) and then select each image, one at a time.

  • Once you have clicked on the image, this will highlight the image.

  • Select Insert (4) once the image has been highlighted.

  • The image has been inserted in the place where the empty image was before.

Insert Image

Note: No need to click Save just yet as there are more steps before saving.

Insert Hyperlink:

  • Within the template, you can either select an image or some text and select Insert Hyperlink button within the editor. 

  • After inserting, make sure to highlight the image so that it is selected for inserting the hyperlink. 

  • Enter the web address to create a link.

  • Enter Text to mask the hyperlink address.

  • Enter a Tool Tip which displays when you hover over the link.

  • To test, send a test email and click on the newly created Hyperlink and it should take you to the web address needed.

Insert Hyperlink

  • When you are finish with your template, be sure to test it against your personal email. When satisfied, select Save. 

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